The Web Banking of Banca Sammarinese di Investimento is one of the most modern and safe of the sector. All the tools and instructions work in real time in order to grant efficiency and speed. It is possible to check all the documentation (accounting documents, communications from the bank, account statements etc.) and download it in PDF files. Wherever you are, you just need an internet connection in order to check your account, executing transactions in a simple and safe way. From the menu investment you can check your portfolio, search for financial products on the markets, bonds and common funds houses for Funds and Sicav. Moreover you will be able to customize the safety level in the settings of your devices. Banca Sammarinese di Investimento provides also a free service of SMS notification which alerts you any time you execute a trasaction via Web Banking.
Login safety settings:
- login and password;
- cient certificate;
- QR Code authentication;
- emai login notification.
Execution phase safety setting:
- chart authorization password;
- authorization confermation with QR Code;
- authorization confermation with SMS;
- disposition notification via emai;
- disposition notification via SMS.
Informative utilities:
- movements and baance;
- checks;
- terms and conditions and reports;
- C.R.O. ist of the bank transfers executed;
- eectronic billing list;
- payment notifications;
- rea time situation of the credit lines;
- unpayed items situation;
- mortgage situation;
- movements and baance merchants’ POS (details of the incoming payments received via POS);
- securities portfoi;
- foreign currencies exechange rates and ists;
- banking documentation;
- ABI/CAB search.
Executive tools:
- bank transfers;
- saaries;
- wires;
- internationa bank transfers;
- drafts and checks payments;
- credit ines presentation (Ri.Ba, RID);
- management of messages of Eectronic Archives.
Securities and deposits
- Rea time portfolio and market value;
- Movements of the executed trades;
- Search of financia products;
- Search for market price ists;
- Insert orders for securities, bonds and al the main funds houses for Funds and Sicav;
- Orders monitor.
Other tools:
- famiy periodic report;
- IBAN check;
- mortgage simuation;
- management debtors archive;
- management beneficiaries archive; registration of secondary users (e.g. empoyees) with the possibility to set up all the authorizations and executive powers.
You can choose the best type you need:
- Ony readable Web Banking (any possibiity to execute transactions);
- Basic Executive Web Banking;
- Pus Execlutive Web Banking (additional tools like management of your portafoglio and international commercial transactions );
- Corporate Executive Web Banking (other additional tools like CBI (link at page 49) for the full management of other accounts with other banks.
For further information and assistance please contact (+378) 0549 940901
Login the Web Banking click here
If you use the smartphone or similar devices, Banca Sammarinese di Investimento provides you the utilities of the Web Banking together with a specific interface designed for an easy use on all modern devices. Moreover if you have already activated the Web Banking you can ask at our branches for the activation of the Mobile package for free.
For further information and assistance please contact (+378) 0549 940901
Banca Sammarinese di Investimento provides you the BSITraderGO platform, this ultimate service is one of the most modern available on the market.
ONLINE SECURITIES: more than 14.500 securities on 22 international stock markets are available with the possibility to trade from your euro account or other currencies account
FOREX: (foreign exchange market): wide range principal currencies, minors, exotic currencies and precious metals usable for minimizing currency risk also for business (download brochure)
CFD: (contract for difference): trading on the main indexes and single stocks listed on the major markets
REAL TIME STOCK QUOTES: our customers can search for this information in real time through the platform provided
TIPI DI ORDINI: è possibile inserire ordini a Mercato, Limite, Stop e Trailing Stop e ordini validi fino a cancellazione. Trader avanzati possono applicare anche Ordini Algoritmici.
SMART ORDER ROUTING: thank to this technology it is guaranteed a quick execution of the orders
NEWS: up to date information and news thank to international agreements we have with the best providers of the sector
- BSITRADER: trading online platform, to be installed on your PC, the most professional and complete with market news, charts, tools and modern utilities for trading easily on the markets. Settings and layout can be customized (download the product)
- BSITraderGo: this patform can be used via browser; downoad and installment are not required. Market news, charts, tools and modern utilities for trading on your own on the markets. Settings and layout can be customized (click here)
- BSITraderGo mobile: app usable on Apple and Android, it allows you to trade everywhere and to be always up to date. (click here)